Configuration Management and Control
Discover our unique capabilities and cost-saving advantages
Bringing you all the benefits of over 25 years of experience, Fleetway has played a leading role in the Configuration Management of complex design projects and their supporting technical and contractual documentation.
Fleetway is unique in that it practices Configuration Management (CM) for both engineering design and for technical documentation. As a result, Fleetway understands that the configuration of equipment/systems and its associated technical data are key to your success in system availability.
Fleetway has the experience, resources and facilities to manage large volumes of data, and to provide drawing management, publication management and technical data services, including reproduction and translation. Whether used for procurement or maintenance, having access to the most up-to-date data can mean the difference between project success and technical confusion.
Fleetway’s state of the art CM software tools provide our customers with the security of safe storage of their information while enabling Web access to information. Additionally, our off-site Disaster Recovery back-up approach ensures the safety of your data.

Publications & Technical Manuals
Accurate and methodical to meet your specific need
Fleetway is thorough and methodical in its approach to your publication and documentation needs, offering solutions that range from fully integrated electronic technical manuals (IETM) to simple technical bulletins.
Fleetway currently manages and provides manuscript and update services for over 5,000 Canadian Military technical and operating manuals, in both official Canadian languages (French and English). Fleetway’s Publication Department will leverage this capability and provide you with a service that will meet or exceed your needs.
Fleetway’s publication staff is supported by illustrators and graphic designers experienced in providing 2D or 3D illustrations or design drawings to supplement each manual.
Our publication and technical manual work operates under a proven configuration control system that includes traceability for all changes and approvals, revision status and archival storage, and a disaster recovery program to protect your electronic masters.
At Fleetway, the accuracy and quality of our publication work is a product of our ongoing commitment to service our customers. All publication work is warranted for completeness, technical accuracy and formatting.

Maintenance / Repair Instructions / Specifications
Put our expertise and attention to detail to work for you
Maintenance is a significant expense to all owners and operators and its supporting documentation is fundamental to the reliability and effective operation of your mission critical equipment, and the reduction in unforeseen repair work.
Fleetway Engineers and Integrated Logistics Support Specialists are skilled at developing complex maintenance and repair specifications (time or scheduled based, or EHM based) to produce a maintenance schedule that meets both your operating profile (ship or plant) and safe and effective maintenance needs.
Fleetway provides expertise managing and capturing your maintenance information through:
- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
- Comprehensive, fully documented Maintenance Schedules and Instruction
- Maintenance Plans and Guides in protective or hand-held electronic formats to allow work site usage
- Maintenance reporting forms, failure reports and completion reports.