Fogo Island Ferry Design

Fleetway was awarded a contract following a competitive tendering process to develop a ferry design to replace the MV Captain Earl W. Winsor that operates the Fogo Island and the Change Islands run. The requirements for the new Icebreaking ROPAX design required that the ferry carry 60 passenger vehicle equivalents, have a service speed of 14 knots, contain a lounge for 200 passengers complete with cafeteria, have single berth crew accommodations, be accessible for the disabled, and contain “green” technology where practicable. The vessel design also had to meet Transport Canada Safety certification, Ice Class 1AA, EPA Tier II machinery, be certified for Near Coastal II voyages and be designed and built to Classification Society rules. Fleetway partnered with European ship designer Knud E. Hansen who specializes in ferry, icebreaker, cruise ship and specialty ship designs.  The customer, the Department of Transportation & Works for Newfoundland and Labrador provided input at each of the design stages, and has used this design for the build contract with the shipyard.

The keel laying for the new ferry named the MV Veteran occurred at the Damen Shipyard in Romania in September 2014.  The 5000 tonne, MV Veteran now operates year round on the Fogo Island route.

South Shore Ferry Design for Six (6) Ships

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has a requirement to replace the six aging and dissimilar ferries that service communities of the South Coast of Newfoundland. Fleetway and its design partner, Knud. E. Hansen, were awarded a contract to develop the design and progress it from Concept through Classification Design approval to Production Engineering. 

The design provided had an inside capacity for 35 seated passengers, plus outside seating for at least 20 passengers, are capable of carrying cargo above and below decks  and can also carry a single vehicle. Other requirements include a designated medical evacuation room, animal kennel area, accessibility for disabled passengers and food services.  The vessel design complies with the Transport Canada Marine Safety regulations for Near Coastal II voyages and with the requirements of the Classification Society.  

The design has considerably better efficiency and capability  than the exsisting fleet and would be able to operate comfortably in the expected weather conditions.  To date, the government of Newfoundland has not contracted a replacement ferry fleet.

Strategic Fleet Modeling for Marine Atlantic 

Fleetway developed a business simulation model for each of the Marine Atlantic fleet assets and then combined these models into a fully functional fleet model. The model was used to investigate a wide array of fleet renewal options (refit, charter, buy) to assist Marine Atlantic’s executive to develop their 5-year corporate plan. Fleetway prepared a time domain discrete event simulation of Marine Atlantic’s terminals, passenger and vehicle services, fleet services, and maintenance to further analyze the fleet renewal plan developed in the Strategic Model. In addition to developing and running the model, Fleetway also developed several 'notional' ship designs based upon the model recommendations.

Charter Vessel Studies, Survey and Technical Support 

Marine Atlantic leased the ferry Superfast IX in order to ensure service availability in a growing market. Fleetway was contracted to conduct specific vessel studies and a vessel pre-delivery survey of the MV Atlantic Vision (ex Superfast IX) including a Cargo Handling Study (cars, transporters, passengers), Mooring Study, Refit Specifications and technical support to Marine Atlantic with respect to the introduction of a new charter vessel into their existing fleet. As a final task, Fleetway conducted a complete analysis of the available technical and operational data review, a needs analysis, and then prepared a final report for Marine Atlantic that indexed the available information and identified information that was lacking but was needed to support the vessel.

Wolfe Island Transportation Study

Fleetway was commissioned to participate in the ship design aspects of the Wolfe Island Transportation Study and carried out a complete condition survey of the Wolfe Islander III. Fleetway had previously surveyed the vessel in 2006 focusing on the condition of the vessel for the purposes of lengthening. The new survey took two approaches. The first step was to check the vessel against the 2006 survey to determine significant changes including its general condition, weight, stability and corrective measures. The second was to obtain operational data that could be used to develop new vessel configurations and cost estimates. The Fleetway survey and report assessed the vessel in the areas of suitability for operations, engines (propulsion and generators), ship fitted equipment, structural integrity, and maintenance.

The survey work concluded that the vessel hull structure was in good shape, with some minor rust, piping systems were in good shape with some smaller sections to be replaced in the future, propulsion machinery and drive train were in excellent condition and the electrical and electronic systems were adequate. The report concluded that the vessel was fit for service at its existing workload.